Academy of Fine Arts of L’Aquila, Italy
Academic Calendar 2024-25
Didactic activities and academic terms
- 21th October 2024: beginning of the didactic activities;
- 8th February 2025: end of the winter term;
- 24th February 2025: beginning of the spring term;
- 7th June 2025: end of the lessons time.
Didactic suspension periods
- From December 23rd to January 6th (both included) for Christmas holidays;
- From February 10rd to February 21th (both included) for winter session of exams;
- From April 19th to April 26th (both included) for Easter Holidays.
Further holidays
- 1st November: national, religious holiday (All Saints’ Day);
- 8th December: national, religious holiday (Immaculate Conception);
- 25th April: national holiday (Anniversary of the Liberation);
- 1st May: national, civil holiday (worker’s Day);
- 2nd June: national, civil holiday (Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic);
- 10th June: local, religious holiday (St. Massimo’s Day, the city’s patron saint);
- 15th August: national, religious holiday (The Assumption of the Madonna).
Examination sessions
- From February 10th to February 21th 2025: winter session (3rd of the a.y. 2023-24); 4th, 5th and 6th of March: thesis;
- From June 23rd to July 4th 2025: summer session (1st of the a.y. 2024-25); 10th and 11th of July: thesis;
- From September 8th to September 19th 2025: autumn session (2nd of the a.y. 2024-25); 25th and 26th of September: thesis.