European Mobility Programme Erasmus +
Incoming Professors and Staff mobility .
Erasmus + mobility Programme allows Professors and Staff to have realize experiences abroad, both for teaching and for training.
Professors who would like to come to the Academy of Fine Arts of L’Aquila for such activities, are invited to write an email to the following email addresses, in order to present themselves and describe the kind of activity they intend to propose: ; ;
Both for teaching activity and for training one, the proposed plane of work and the expected time of realization are required (respectively Mobility Agreement for teaching or Mobility Agreement for training).
In order to have the opportunity to insert the proposed activities in the planning of the Acedemy activities, it’s strongly recommended to send the proposals themselves at the beginning of the Academic year, which means within the month of November .
The proposals will be examinated by the Erasmus staff which, once acquired the opinion of the Professors involved in the project, will communicate the eventual assent.