Letter for the incoming students


Letter for the incoming students


Letter for the incoming students (PDF)


Dear student,

First of all, we wish to thank you for your interest in our Academy. If you are interested in making an Erasmus stay here,  you can send, by e-mail, a scanned version of the forms in the e-mail attachment with all the needed information  (period of stay, courses in which you’re interested in, etc.); the forms must be filled all of their  parts and must be signed by the applying student and by their home Institution Responsible.  A portfolio will also be appreciated (only in electronic version).

The deadline for the applications is May 31st for the fall term and for the whole academic year and November 30th for the second term (spring one).

You must know that our academic organization, following the European system, is articulated in two levels of study: the first one consists of 3 years courses and the second one consists of 2 years specialization courses (3+2 didactic system). We also have a new defined five years course of Restoration (one cycle).

You will find our complete didactic offer on the following web page:



Once you have defined the courses you would like to attend here, please indicate them in the provided part of the Learning Agreement “before the Mobility”; obviously it can only be a preliminary description, as the official and final Learning Agreement can be arranged  soon after your arrival here. The preliminary sending of the Learning Agreement will be necessary in order  to let us understand the field of study in which you are interested in and if we can accept your didactic proposal. In any case, the final Learning Agreement will be approved within the first month of your Erasmus stay here, soon after the official choice of the courses you want to attend.


Our Academic year usually  starts  on November the 1st and  the lessons start on November the 2nd, but every year the date of the start of the lessons can be brought forward in October by the Academic Council, so it’s opportune to look at the updated academic calendar e during the summer preceding your stay: https://uri.abaq.it/relazioni-internazionali-extra-erasmus/academic-calendar/ .

The Academy usually organize free courses of Italian language, of different levels, to help the incoming students to improve their language competences. The attendance of these courses is strongly recommended since the academic courses are given in Italian. Anyway, the incoming students are asked to communicate their interest in enrolling  themselves and attending the free Italian language courses.


Please also consider that our didactic activities are articulated in two semesters: the first term usually ends in the end of February, when the second one starts; the lessons time usually ends in the middle of June, when our summer session of exams  starts too. Anyway, since our courses are mostly spread out on the whole academic yearit is strongly suggested to have an Erasmus stay here for this  whole period. As concerns the course of Restoration, due to the organization of the practical lessons, only applications for the whole academic year can be accepted.


We wish to inform you that it is strongly recommended to come here with a sufficient knowledge of Italian (a B1 level is suggested), which can allow you to attend the lessons without problems.


Please take into consideration that our Academy has an Agreement with the local Erasmus Student Network, an Association, called AQUILASMUS, which helps the  incoming students to find an accommodation and to solve practical problems during the first period of the mobility; the students can reach it at the following e-mail addresses: housing@esnlaquila.it , info@esnlaquila.it ;  and on the web site www.esnlaquila.it


Hoping that this will be enough for you, we wish to send you our warmest regards.

Patrizia DI MARCO and Nadia PEZZETTA
Erasmus  Office  Staff
Academy of Fine Arts
Via Leonardo Da Vinci
67100 L’AQUILA   –  ITALY
tel 0039 (0)862 317380
web site:  www.abaq.it;      www.uri.abaq.it
e-mail:     erasmus@abaq.it  ;   segreteria@abaq.it