Housing and Other Support Activities



In order to find an accommodation, the incoming students are invited to keep in touch with the local Erasmus Students network (ESN L’Aquila), at the following address: housing@esnlaquila.it.

On the base of a specific Agreement with this Association, ESN L’Aquila – AQUILASMUS (which is the local Association of ESN (Erasmus Student Network) ITALIA) helps the incoming Erasmus students to find a provisional and/or a final accommodation and it also helps solve other practical problems involving logistics and accommodation into the Academy and town contexts.

Info: info@esnlaquila.it .

Internet site: www.esnlaquila.it ;

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/laquilaincoming20212022/


It can be very helpful to consult the AQUILASMUS – ESN L’AQUILA Welcome Message





The incoming professors or students who should need an accommodation only for a few days, can contact the following Hotels /B&B, that are in the vicinity of the Academy:

Hotel Canadian: which offers discounted prices for the guests of our Academy. To take advantage of such benefit you must specify you are an Erasmus professor/student of the Academy at the moment of the booking.

Hotel Azzurro: which offers a discount of 10% on its daily rate for the guests of our Academy; by using the discount code: ACCADEMIA at the moment of the booking on their site: www.hotelazzurro.it

You can also book by e-mail or by phone info@hotelazzurro.it; +39 862 318054

Camaga B&B: e-mail: bbcamaga@gmail.com; +39 340 985 5181

My Suite Hotel: e-mail: info@mysuitehotel.it; +39 862 315757

For other information other accommodations and hotels: https://www.quilaquila.it/dove-dormire/#


Further information on the city: www.quilaquila.it