In order to find an accommodation, the incoming students are invited to keep in touch with the local Erasmus Students network (ESN L’Aquila), at the following address: housing@esnlaquila.it. On the base of a specific Agreement with this Association, ESN L’Aquila – AQUILASMUS (which is the local Association of ESN (Erasmus Student Network) ITALIA) helps the incoming Erasmus students to find a provisional and/or a final accommodation and it also helps solve other practical problems involving logistics and accommodation into the Academy and town contexts. Info: info@esnlaquila.it . Internet site: www.esnlaquila.it ; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/laquilaincoming20212022/
It can be very helpful to consult the AQUILASMUS – ESN L’AQUILA Welcome Message
The incoming professors or students who should need an accommodation only for a few days, can contact the following Hotels /B&B, that are in the vicinity of the Academy: Hotel Canadian: which offers discounted prices for the guests of our Academy. To take advantage of such benefit you must specify you are an Erasmus professor/student of the Academy at the moment of the booking. Hotel Azzurro: which offers a discount of 10% on its daily rate for the guests of our Academy; by using the discount code: ACCADEMIA at the moment of the booking on their site: www.hotelazzurro.it You can also book by e-mail or by phone info@hotelazzurro.it; +39 862 318054 Camaga B&B: e-mail: bbcamaga@gmail.com; +39 340 985 5181 My Suite Hotel: e-mail: info@mysuitehotel.it; +39 862 315757 For other information other accommodations and hotels: https://www.quilaquila.it/dove-dormire/#
Further information on the city: www.quilaquila.it |